Showing posts with label Good in bed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good in bed. Show all posts

Recipe for better sex: What to eat to add spice

10 things to add to your diet and enhance your love life

Need to spice up your sex life? All the ingredients you need may be found at your local grocery store.

Like many aspects of health, our sex drive is affected by what we put into our bodies. Certain foods affect the body in different ways. Depending on what you consume, wining and dining a date can induce more sleep than romance. A big, fancy dinner, a bottle of wine and fine chocolates may sound sweet — but such meals are actually little more than empty calories.

To really get your blood going, consider circulation-enhancing dishes. Food that's high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon and wild salmon are best. "Omega-3 makes your nervous system function better," says Dr. Barbara Bartlik, assistant professor of psychiatry and sex therapist with the Human Sexuality Program at Weill Cornell Medical Center. "Sex is really about circuitry." Multivitamins and minerals will help, too. Both improve neurological function, which contributes to good circulation

Grab some granola
Improved circulation results in greater erectile response. To accomplish that, go for food rich in L-Arginine, such as granola, oatmeal, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, dairy, green vegetables, root vegetables, garlic, ginseng, soybeans, chickpeas and seeds. Studies show that L-Arginine is helpful for improving sexual function in men. There haven't been studies done on women — but remember, erectile response isn't just a guy thing. "Women have erections too: in their clitoris and the tissue surrounding the vulva," says Bartlik.

Humans have sought ways to enhance or improve their sex lives for millennia — and have never been reluctant to spend money to make themselves better lovers. The ancient Romans were said to prefer such exotic aphrodisiacs as hippo snouts and hyena eyeballs. Traditional Chinese medicine espoused the use of such rare delicacies as rhino horn. Modern lovers are no less extravagant. In 2005, for example, according to Amsterdam-based health care information company Wulters Kluwer, Americans spent just under $1.4 billion to treat male sexual dysfunction disorders alone.

Of that amount, Viagra rang up $1.2 billion in sales for Pfizer, or 60 percent of the total market. Among the other drugs trying to find their way into American's bedside tables and back pockets are Levitra and Cialis.

There is a difference, of course, between helping sexual dysfunction and arousing our passions.

Aphrodisiacs, for the most part, have been shown to be ineffective. Named for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sex and beauty, these include an array of herbs, foods and other "agents" that are said to awaken and heighten sexual desire. But the 5,000-year tradition of using them is based more on folklore than real science. "There is no data and no scientific evidence," says Leonore Tiefer, clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine. "Product pushers are very eager to capitalize on myths," she says.

Most libido-enhancing products offer short term benefit at best, according to Dr. John Mulhall, director of the Sexual Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian and associate professor of urology at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Mulhall, who also sits on the Nutraceuticals Committee of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, says, "Every year, we review the literature on these compounds — these nutraceuticals like nitric oxide and ginseng — and there are none that have really been shown to be more than a placebo."

When it comes to sexual function, the placebo effect probably accounts for 30 percent of improvements in men and around 50 percent in women, he says. That means there are a lot of people out there who believe a pill they are taking or a food they are eating is doing a lot of good for them sexually. In reality, their mind is doing all the work.

So, besides renting "The Story of O" and opening a bottle of red wine, what can people do to kick-start their sex life?

For a good time, try soy
One thing they can do is change their diet. Soy, for example, binds estrogen receptors, which helps the vaginal area remain lubricated and combats symptoms of menopause — particularly hot flashes. Studies have shown that soy is also beneficial to the prostate, a crucial male sex organ. However, it's important to note that women who have a history of breast cancer should not eat large amounts of soy, because the binding of estrogen receptors actually increases the risk of reoccurrence.

Foods that promote weight loss also hold libido-boosting potential. "There has been very solid research showing that obesity is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction and low testosterone," says Dr. Ridwan Shabsigh, director of the New York Center for Human Sexuality and associate professor of urology at Columbia University's medical school. "Reducing weight," he says, "results in an increase of testosterone, and thus an increase in sexual function."

'Good for your heart, good for your penis'
"From an erection standpoint, anything that's good for your heart is good for your penis," says Dr. Mulhall. Too much saturated fat can, over time, clog arteries and, in doing so, prevent an adequate flow of blood from reaching the genital region. This not only interferes with the ability to perform, but also with sexual pleasure. Too little fat, on the other hand, is also bad.

"You need fat to produce your hormones," says Beverly Whipple, professor emerita at Rutgers University and president of the World Association for Sexology. "Cholesterol is metabolized in the liver, and you get your testosterone and estrogen, which you need for your sex drive," she says. Olive oil, salmon and nuts are optimal sources of the "good" kinds of fats —monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

According to Dr. Judith Reichman, author of "I'm Not in the Mood: What Every Woman Should Known about Improving Her Libido," medical and hormonal problems are major contributors to sexual dysfunction and a low libido — but so are too much stress, relationship difficulties and psychological issues. Antidepressants, such as Prozac by GlaxoSmithKline and Paxil by Eli Lilly, can negatively affect sex drive as well.

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A healthy sex life: 10 reasons to make love

Evidence points to the many health benefits of an active sex life. Sex Made Easy, an article published in Men's Health Magazine, gives 10 healthy reasons to hop into bed -- a reminder that making love is good for both body and soul.
  1. Exercise. "Sexual activity is a form of physical exercise," according to Dr. Michael Cirigliano of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Making love three times a week burns around 7,500 calories in a year -- the equivalent of jogging 75 miles.
  2. Heavy Breathing. A night of love can raise the amount of oxygen in cells, helping to keep organs and tissues functioning at their peak.
  3. Strong Bones and Muscles. "Any kind of physical exercise is going to increase testosterone," states Dr. Karen Donahey, director of the Sex and Marital Therapy Program at Chicago's Northwestern University Medical Center. Testosterone is believed to help keep men's bones and muscles strong.
  4. Lowered Cholesterol. Making love regularly can lower levels of the body's total cholesterol slightly, while positively changing the ratio of good-to-bad cholesterol.
  5. Pain Relief. Sex can lower levels of "arthritic pain, whiplash pain and headache pain," according to Dr. Beverly Whipple, president-elect of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. Hormones that are released during sexual excitement and orgasm can elevate pain thresholds.
  6. DHEA -- Without Supplements. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a popular supplemental hormone, is released naturally during lovemaking. "Just before orgasm and ejaculation," Crenshaw says, "DHEA spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual."
  7. Prostate Protection. Researchers say prostate trouble may arise or be worsened by fluid buildup within the gland. Regular ejaculation will help wash out those fluids. Be cautious when suddenly changing frequency -- sudden changes may also trigger prostate problems.
  8. Stress Relief. "Sex can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels," Donahey told Men's Health.
  9. Love Will Keep Us Together. Crenshaw says affectionate touch will increase levels of oxytocin -- the "bonding hormone." Oxytocin is a desire-enhancing chemical secreted by the pituitary. Regular oxytocin release may help encourage frequent lovemaking.
  10. Hormones -- Naturally. "Regular lovemaking can increase a woman's estrogen level, protect her heart and keep her vaginal tissues more supple," states Donahey.
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Fast Acting Male Enhancement

Male enhancement products could really give you the extra boost you need to perform better. This will enable you to feel confident about yourself. Male enhancement is really one way to find solution to your problems fast and easy. Acting as a tool to enlarge your penis to your ideal size is amazing. There are a lot of male enhancement products that are currently available in the market. It ensures fast acting effect as long as you follow their instructions to the letter. Some of the products can be easily strapped for easy use. All you need to do is to use it in a daily basis to ensure fast acting results.

Male enhancement can really provide you with the tool you need to overcome your insecurities about having a small penis size. It provides you with a tool to make a big difference. It increases the size of your thing to your desired specifications. Make sure not to overdo its usage. Follow the instructions and not exceed the maximum usage. Give your muscles a time to heal. Do not do things too fast. It sure does ensure fast acting effects but exceeding the limit would result in serious damage of your organ. Overstretching could lead to damage of organs and tissues. Keep in mind not to strain the muscles. You will experience a certain amount of discomfort but it is understandable. Acting as a male enhancement product to increase your penis size has certain effects. You could experience a little pain in because of the fast stretching of muscles.

Male enhancement products could also give other benefits besides increasing your penis size. It can also be used as a fast acting tool to correct the deformity of your sex organ. The traction capabilities it possess makes your penis erect in a straight form. Within days of using the male enhancement product you can be assured of its fast acting effect. You will see considerable changes in your sex organ. Not only that it increases its length but it will also stand straight as it should be. You will see improvements in each day that passes by.

The fast acting effects of male enhancement products have greatly contributed in finding solution for men's problems. It levels down the playing field for all. You can no longer envy other men who you consider as well endowed. There is no longer an excuse of not performing better due to your small penis size. The product enables you to build your confidence that you certainly need when performing in the bed room. You no longer need to put the lights off because you can now be proud of your stuff. This would certainly make both you and your partner a happier couple. Do not wait and be restrained by the notion of being content of what you have. There is a product that you could easily avail. You can use it in the comforts of your own home, making it convenient and easy to use.

3 Tips to Help Your Man Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Does your man have trouble lasting in bed? This is a very common problem. In fact premature ejaculation is the most common sexual issue for men under fifty.

If you man is affected by premature ejaculation and is unable to last long enough to satisfy you, the good news is that with the correct treatment men can learn how to last longer in bed in the overwhelming majority of cases.

Unfortunately there is a large amount of miss understanding of this issue for both men and women. This is compounded by the fact that most men find extremely difficult to talk about, and will often fail to confront the problem.

Here's three things you can do to help your man last longer in bed.

1. Talk to him

This is really important, but in truth, talking to their partner about his lasting time can be very difficult for most women. You should try to broach the subject subtly and confirm to him that you are satisfied with the overall relationship. Emphasize that it is an issue for the both of you to deal with and that you are willing to help. Don't come across as angry or frustrated and definitely do not compare him to past lovers. Communication is the key. Once you and your man can communicate openly about the problem you will be well on the way to overcoming it.

2. Know the best positions

During intercourse, the position, speed and depth of penetration can make a big impact on your partner's ability to delay ejaculation. It's true that all men are different, but you will generally find that the women on top position gives your man the best chance of being able to last. This is mainly due to the man having to use fewer muscles around his pelvic area. This makes it easier for him to keep his ejaculatory muscles relaxed and controlled which is the key for him to delay climax. On the other hand, the man on top position is notoriously difficult for men with premature ejaculation and should be avoided until you man has improved his lasting ability.

It's also important for you to go slow at the start. After the first minute or two the probability of your man being able to last will actually improve. Once you have given him a chance to get used to the sensation and become more comfortable you can then speed things up.

3. Get an expert's advice

OK, I know that in all likelihood you man will be very reluctant to see an expert about the issue, but the truth is that they really can help. There are a number of sexual health professionals experienced in dealing with premature ejaculation. A good professional will be able to show your man a number of techniques to help him last longer in bed. These should include, breathing, relaxation and meditative techniques. He can also learn some ejaculatory control exercises that he can complete either on his own, or with you. In addition some mental control methods can also be very effective, especially when combines with the other techniques.

There is a lot more you can learn about helping your man last longer, but this is a good start. The important thing to remember is that with open communication, understanding and a little effort, it is possible for men with premature ejaculation to learn how to last longer in bed.

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